We are currently open for submissions. The deadline for Spring '25 Issue is: Feburary 15th, 2025.
Submissions should be sent via email. Please submit previously unpublished poetry (EN/CN), English or Chinese translations of poetry with original poems (CN/EN) attached (.doc, .docx or .pages) to poetrylabshanghai [at] gmail [dot] com and use "Submission for Spring '25 Issue + Name" as your subject line.
Please submit no more than 3 pieces of work with a brief bio written in third person. We will try to respond as soon as possible, please give us 2 months before submitting again. If you don't hear from us within 3 months, please assume we are unable to find a suitable home for your work. No repeat submissions.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please inform us if any part of your submission is accepted elsewhere.
*Note: All of the accepted works (except translated works) will be translated into Chinese or English by the PLS team depending on the language used. Therefore, by submitting, we assume that you have read these terms and are agreed to them. For translations, please ensure you have the permission/rights to translate the poems. By submitting a translation, you assume responsibility for clearing the rights to use this work on behalf of PLS.
投稿只能通过邮件形式发送。请将此前未发表过的中文或英文原创诗歌作品,或者附有原作(须为英文或中文)的中文或英文诗歌翻译(.doc,.docx或.pages文件格式)发送至:poetrylabshanghai [at] gmail [dot] com,并使用”2025春季刊投稿 + 姓名“作为邮件标题。