Nü Editions
Nü Editions is an independent publishing project that aims to showcase old and new poetry through bilingual editions, primarily in but not limited to Chinese and English, and bring audiences from different linguistic backgrounds closer together.
Nü Editions 是诞生于英国的一个独立出版计划,以双语对照形式呈现所有原创诗歌,初步分“被遗忘的国际前线”与“被遗漏的汉语新声“两大系列内容,旨在为卡在各种条条框框之间无法得以正确释放的声音提供一个被全世界聆听的机会。
Submissions Guidelines 投稿须知
The open call is now closed. We are currently interested in pamphlets. Submissions of original poetry manuscripts from anywhere, anyone who writes in Chinese are welcome.
1) Deadline: 28 February, 2024.
2) Format: PDF or .pages.
3) Page count: 15-30 (no more than one poem per page).
4) Font size: 10.
*Note: the manuscript should be sent to poetrylabshanghai [at] gmail [dot] com as an attachment, please use "Submission_Pamphlet + Name" as the title, and include a short bio and synopsis in the body of the email.
2)稿件格式:PDF 或 .pages。
*注:手稿须以附件形式发送至 poetrylabshanghai [at] gmail [dot] com,请勿在邮件中包含手稿内容。以“诗歌小册子投稿 + 名字”为标题,并在邮件正文中包含以第三人称书写的个人简介及手稿概要。